A server for interactive mathematics on the internet

By XIAO, Gang
2 June 1999

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We describe in this paper the project ``WWW Interactive Mathematics Server'', designed for supporting intensive mathematics works via the internet with server-side interactivity, accessible at the address http://wims.unice.fr.

The following main features of the system are described:
  1. A modular design allowing applications and software interfaces to be created and maintained independently from each other.
  2. Existing interfaces for softwares including MuPAD, PARI/GP, Gnuplot, Povray, Coq (proof assistant).
  3. Dynamic rendering of mathematical formulas and animated graphics.
  4. A structure of virtual classes, including mechanisms for automatic score gathering and processing.

Design principles of the system are discussed, including session control, security measures and anti-cheating mechanisms.

Département de mathématiques
Université de Nice - Sophia Antipolis
06108 Nice, France