--- 介绍 ---
系统会给出在区间 [-2,2] 内一条连续且可微的函数 f ( x ) 的图像.
这个函数由系统随机生成, 它的表达式是隐藏的. 接着你会看到另外几条函数曲线,
你必须从中选出导函数 f ′ ( x ) (或根据练习的设置,
f ′ ( − x ) , − f ′ ( x ) ou − f ′ ( − x ) 或 − f ′ ( − x ) ) 的图像.
为了送出答案, 你可以点击你所选的曲线
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使用. 您用自动化程序收集的网页是无用的.
Description: 认识函数的导数的图象. This is the main site of WIMS (WWW Interactive Multipurpose Server): interactive exercises, online calculators and plotters, mathematical recreation and games
Keywords: wims, mathematics, mathematical, math, maths, interactive mathematics, interactive math, interactive maths, mathematic, online, calculator, graphing, exercise, exercice, puzzle, calculus, K-12, algebra, math閙atique, interactive, interactive mathematics, interactive mathematical, interactive math, interactive maths, mathematical education, enseignement math閙atique, mathematics teaching, teaching mathematics, algebra, geometry, calculus, function, curve, surface, graphing, virtual class, virtual classes, virtual classroom, virtual classrooms, interactive documents, interactive document, analysis, functions, graphing, derivative