OEF rechte lijn in een vlak --- Introductie ---

This module actually contains 13 exercises on lines in the cartesian plane and their equations: slope, distance, points on the line, parallel and perpendicular lines, intersection, ...

Afstand punt-lijn I

l is de lijn gedefineerd door de vergelijking


Bereken de afstand tussen l en het punt ( , ) .

Afstand punt-lijn II

Let L be the plane line defined by the parametrized equations:

x =  , y =  .

Compute the distance between L and the point ( , ) .

Line on point I

Let L be the line define by the equation


What is the value of c so that L contains the point ( , ) ?

Line on point II

Let L be the line define by the equation


What is the value of c so that L contains the point ( , ) ?

Parallel I

Let L be the plane line defined by the equation


Find an equation of the line containing the point ( , ) and parallel to L.

Parallel II

Let L be the plane line defined by the parametrized equations:

x =  , y =  .

Find an equation of the line containing the point ( , ) and parallel to L.

Parametrized to equation

Let L be the plane line defined by the parametrized equations:

x =  , y =  .

Find an equation of L.

The equation must be of the form ax + by = c.

Perpendicular I

Let L be the plane line defined by the equation


Find an equation of the line containing the point ( , ) and perpendicular to L.

Perpendicular II

Let L be the plane line defined by the parametrized equations:

x =  , y =  .

Find an equation of the line containing the point ( , ) and perpendicular to L.

2 points

Find an equation of the line in the plane containing the points ( , ) and ( , ).

The equation must be of the form ax + by = c.

Point on line I

Let L be the line define by the equation


Find the value of c such that the point ( , ) is on L.

Point on line II

Let L be the line defined by parametrized equations

x =  , y =  .

Find the value of c such that the point ( , ) is on L.

Point and slope

Find an equation of the line in the plane containing the point ( , ), and with slope = .

The equation must be of the form ax + by = c.

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