OEF funzione affine retta
--- Introduzione ---
Questo modulo raccoglie al momento 21 esercizi a livello di scuola secondaria sulle equazioni delle rette e le funzioni affini.
- Description: esercizi di livello scuola media superiore sulle funzioni affini e le equazioni di rette. This is the main site of WIMS (WWW Interactive Multipurpose Server): interactive exercises, online calculators and plotters, mathematical recreation and games
- Keywords: wims, mathematics, mathematical, math, maths, interactive mathematics, interactive math, interactive maths, mathematic, online, calculator, graphing, exercise, exercice, puzzle, calculus, K-12, algebra, mathématique, interactive, interactive mathematics, interactive mathematical, interactive math, interactive maths, mathematical education, enseignement mathématique, mathematics teaching, teaching mathematics, algebra, geometry, calculus, function, curve, surface, graphing, virtual class, virtual classes, virtual classroom, virtual classrooms, interactive documents, interactive document, analysis,, affine_function,linear_function,lines, line_equation