Ordenación de números --- Introducción ---

Este es un ejercicio clásico: ordenar unos números dados (enteros, decimales, fracciones, etc.). Y mediante las opciones de los parámetros de configuración, puede satisfacer las necesidades de aprendizaje de una amplia gama de niveles.

Positive decimals I

Arrange the below in order, from the to the .

Positive decimals II

Arrange the below in order, from the to the .

Positive fractions I

Arrange the below in order, from the to the .

Positive fractions II

Arrange the below in order, from the to the .

Positive fractions III

Arrange the below in order, from the to the .

Positive fractions IV

Arrange the below in order, from the to the .

Positive fractions V

Arrange the below in order, from the to the .

Positive numbers (small)

Arrange the below in order, from the to the .

Positive numbers (medium)

Arrange the below in order, from the to the .

Positive numbers (big)

Arrange the below in order, from the to the .

Relative decimals I

Arrange the below in order, from the to the .

Relative decimals II

Arrange the below in order, from the to the .

Relative fractions I

Arrange the below in order, from the to the .

Relative fractions II

Arrange the below in order, from the to the .

Relative fractions III

Arrange the below in order, from the to the .

Relative fractions IV

Arrange the below in order, from the to the .

Relative fractions V

Arrange the below in order, from the to the .

Relative numbers (small)

Arrange the below in order, from the to the .

Relative numbers (medium)

Arrange the below in order, from the to the .

Relative numbers (big)

Arrange the below in order, from the to the .

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